Generative Scribing: A Social Art of the 21st Century

Scribing—visually representing ideas while people talk—is a distinct social art form that facilitates group learning and cultural memory. “Generative scribing” extends this art by attending to the field of energy and relation between people, and to the emerging potential of a system. This book frames the key concepts that cultivate the inner capacities of scribes, facilitators, coaches, and organizers. Link to drawings – Order

Drawn Together through Visual Practice: An Anthology

Edited by Brandy Agerbeck, Kelvy Bird, Sam Bradd, and Jennifer Shepherd, 2017. With over 25 contributions from visual and kinesthetic practitioners of all ranges, this volume offers lenses to: Share cross-disciplinary and regional perspectives; Surface and approach the complex puzzles of our time; Reflect on core human connection and communication. Order Here

The World of Visual Facilitation

“The World of Visual Facilitation will share new approaches and stories from visual facilitators all around the world. By sharing their best experiences, co-authors will help readers who want to know more about visual facilitation and how you can do resulting in new energy and results.” Included: Chapters on “Using Color” (with Holger Nils Pohl) and “Attending to Tone” More Info

Advances in Presencing

“In this first book of the three volume series, Advances in Presencing, professors Olen Gunnlaugson and William Brendel bring together the latest offerings from an array of practitioners globally who are committed to stewarding a more promising future through applications of presencing in their organizations, communities and research.” Included: Chapter on “Visual Presencing” Order here

Models: Frameworks for Transformation

Matt Taylor, Rob Evans, and Kelvy Bird, 2019. In this 3rd volume of the 5-part compilation The Collaboration Code®, “find the entire set of models and terms of art of the MG Taylor Modeling Language, including many never-before documented models. Kelvy Bird created all-new depictions of the (~50) models, Christopher Fuller re-imagined the glyphs, and Kelly Adams illustrated the 22 Habits of Creative People.” Order Here

The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Applications

By Otto Scharmer, 2018. “This book offers a concise, accessible guide to the key concepts and applications in Otto Scharmer’s classic Theory U. Scharmer argues that our capacity to pay attention coshapes the world. What prevents us from attending to situations more effectively is that we aren’t fully aware of that interior condition from which our attention and actions originate. Scharmer calls this lack of awareness our blind spot. He illuminates the blind spot in leadership today and offers hands-on methods to help change makers overcome it through the process, principles, and practices of Theory U.” Included: Illustrations Order Here

Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges

By Otto Scharmer, 2016. “We live in a time of massive institutional failure that manifests in the form of three major divides: the ecological, the social, and the spiritual. Addressing these challenges requires a new consciousness and collective leadership capacity. In this groundbreaking book, Otto Scharmer invites us to see the world in new ways and in so doing discover a revolutionary approach to learning and leadership… This second edition features eight color drawings by Kelvy Bird that capture U journey applications and illustrate the concepts in the book.” Order Here

The Human Side of Changing Education

By Julie Margretta Wilson, 2018. “When we ask schools to change, we are asking human beings to change and this requires special tools and a human-centered approach. Change the heart of the system by enabling the hearts and minds of those who make schools work. Learn to make sense of challenging change journeys and accelerate implementation with this practical framework that includes human-centered tools, resources and mini case studies.” Included: Illustrations Order Here

Who Really Matters:
The Core Group Theory

By Art Kleiner, 2003. “In a breakthrough Organization Man for the twenty-first century, bestselling author Art Kleiner reveals that every organization is driven by a desire to satisfy a Core Group of influential individuals and explains why understanding this group’s expectations is the key to success.” Included: Illustrations Order Here