u.lab 2018

From the Edx / MITx / Presencing Institute MOOC u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future, final digital images originally scribed on 16′ long blackboard during 60-90 minute live, broadcast sessions… The most recent drawing on top was done on black paper under heavy stage lights. (For any reuse, please credit www.presencing.org – tx!)

Of note in the above drawing from September 20, 2018 are two things: 1) the upside down map, and 2) the use of raw ochre. The map… why upside down? To shift our perspective. The map only appears upside down to those of us in the northern hemisphere who are habituated to see it in another orientation… read more about it here, where I describe another drawing from the Transforming Capitalism Lab, where i first drew the map in this manner. The ochre? It is from The First Nation of Yolngu Country in Far North East Arnhem Land, in the Northern Territory of Australia, gifted to me by Dwayne Mallard. In working with the ochre today, I acknowledge the Elders Past, Present and Emerging of the First Nations of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Straits. They were certainly in the room with me, and therefore with all of us. AND, this is precisely the color gold Otto Scharmer and I have been seeking to represent on the wall for years! It finally found us. View the session here.

Preparing the ochre (click for the video):