Author: Kelvy Bird

Too Big to Fail Mapped

In a gesture of positive sibling reinforcement, my brother reminded me last night that i DO get out in the world now and then even though my deck, container plants, and an engrossing book by Ilan Mochari have recently taken their grip.

Created this map real-time  in 2011, during a session with the World Economic Forum that sought to help groups identify intervention points in global systems like health, climate, food security, pandemics, etc. The graphic supported a presentation on systems, using the US housing (and consequent) crisis as an example.

As a result of this work, i sold my house and downsized by .5  into a condo, getting my own “American dream” accurate to the life i was living and reducing my stuff, a mortgage and expenses almost in half. It was hugely impactful to understand the overall dynamic in more depth – which i might never have done if not needing to densely prepare for the session in order to get the visual out in about 20 minutes. I barely understood the crisis then, a bit better now – and STILL find enormous power in visualizing systemic dynamics, with the obvious actions and the paired behavioral reinforcing and balancing loops.

The dry-erase surface from Moving Walls. The amazing team that supported this unpacking from The Value Web.

Eye 060

Eye 060

Click image for an enlarged version, then right click bigger image to save (freely). Printing onto a transparency is best! Hang in a window – let light bring it alive. Share to brighten someone’s day.


Eye 048, 050, 051

Made with SpiroDoodle, combined with Brushes. Transfixed. 051 is for Douglas Burnham and Christine Trost, dear friends who took me on a hike in Tilden Park and have always helped stretch my limits.

Eye 051

Eye 050

Eye 048