Joy for all – as we transition into a new year, a new era.
Author: Kelvy Bird
Eye 045
Playing with the iPad, after an idea to invest in a portable studio instead of rent. Has led to an inquiry around the roles of light and projection and time. This piece comes to life as a series of gestures, saved as stills at key points along the way. Here are first 2 gateways (?). Using the app “Brushes” and on the device can actually re-see the whole progression. Figuring out how to make that viewable off the pad. Or, stays device bound and is displayed as a motion sequence.
WEF YGL Annual Summit 2012
From the 2012 Annual Summit of the Young Global Leaders, of the World Economic Forum, which I’ve been fortunate to support through The Value Web. The YGL community is a “multistakeholder community of more than 700 exceptional young leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future.” It’s always a very inspiring journey to ride alongside, even for just 4 days.
Reviving Eyes
Eyes reviving, under the spell of Lucious Jackson, here is 044, Marker on mylar, 40×30″, still in progress, but close
Green Grids
Old favorites. Color studies, with limited pallettes – addressing borders, edges, distance, and alliance. This set, leaning into linden green, still a color of obsession. Guache on panel, 12 x 12″, 2004-2005