Category: Community


u.lab 2017

From the Edx / MITx / Presencing Institute MOOC u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future, final digital images originally scribed on 16′ long blackboard during 60-90 minute live, broadcast sessions…

Co-Evolving session, December 14, 2017:

Crystallizing-Prototyping session, November 9, 2017:

Presencing session, October 19, 2017:

Co-Initiation session, September 21, 2017:

And here are the visual reviews for each phase of Theory U, created on an iPadPro with the ProCreate app, Photoshop, and a Bird font.

For all images on this page… please share as you’d like, respecting the creative commons information here and linking back to this page, so others can find the original images. Thanks!

System Mapping

How can visuals support individuals and systems to more clearly see themselves? It’s an ongoing inquiry – and a recent talk and workshop at Tufts Institute of the Environment TELI-G Program reignited a wish to better explore and explain this territory.

Here is the presentation, as a starting point, with brief notes and a practice at the end. A placeholder… an iteration… as the very willing participants iterated their own system-based interdisciplinary projects.

It was a wonderful experience to see the students light up with pens in hand, and an inspiration to continue looking at the way drawing can support seeing, and learning.



U.Lab Scribing

Transforming Business, Society, and Self with U.Lab

Movement Building. December 17, 2015. An integrated picture of the journey.

u.lab_SocialFields U.Lab_Wall_20151217_white

Prototype Camp. November 1, 2015. Final image, photoshop-enhanced, from 4 days of reworking into the same wall, starting with the drawing from the 75-minute live session. Much erased. Essence retained. Real-time prototyping.


Prototyping. October 29, 2015. On dry erase, with home-brewed inks, via Neuland. 😉


Presencing. October 8, 2015. Extracted chalk ink from markers to use a brush on the blackboard. Fun and freeing.

Co-Initiating. September 17, 2015. New cycle underway, lightly picking up on U.School image.


U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self

Week 6. April 1, 2015. This was all about chalk marker and trying to keep it simple, legible, and focused on actionable inputs. Less “feeling” more direct. It’s all an experiment!



Week 5. February 11, 2015. A high res link to black (white version proved too tricky to do, for now…)


Week 3. January 28, 2015. This week worked ONLY in chalk (last live session was chalk marker – much thicker – but leading to a tricky clean up!) and the inversion revealed the softness of the material. The scribing was intended to activate the space, as live facilitation. Perhaps need to redo the artifact. Or… not, and it’s fine as is!



Download PDF of the white, inverted, image

Week 1. January 14, 2015. What a surge! With over 25,000 enrolled and an estimated 10,000 viewing today, from 192 countries all around the globe….. the space activated, and these images resulted. My hand, yet an entirely shared will. To view the session: More on U.Lab: MITx: 15.S23x




Here, too, are some higher resolution pics Otto used in U.Lab (and recent Wisdom 2.0 Conference) with the dark background.

And some key slides w/a white background:





It’s leaving me-them polarization at the altar of societal norm, and choosing instead the soft path: WE ARE ONE. This can be a conscious, enlightened, spiritual choice. It’s also simply a matter of relaxing into the fact that through every gesture, every word, every silence even – we exist in a cascading ripple of touch.

Through doing, like carrying a bag of groceries for a stranger, we touch.

Through feeling, like noticing heart heaviness at the absence of a loved one, we are touched.

Through thinking, when ideas of one linger in the mind of another and then guide further thinking, we touch.

To deny the impact of these ripples is to deny that we have any vibration, any aliveness. Because we breathe and our hearts pulse, we are ALIVE. We emit. We receive. We magnetize.

Crossing all manmade, invented boundary, through outward and inward motion, one.