Transforming Business, Society, and Self with U.Lab
Movement Building. December 17, 2015. An integrated picture of the journey.
Prototype Camp. November 1, 2015. Final image, photoshop-enhanced, from 4 days of reworking into the same wall, starting with the drawing from the 75-minute live session. Much erased. Essence retained. Real-time prototyping.
Prototyping. October 29, 2015. On dry erase, with home-brewed inks, via Neuland. 😉
Presencing. October 8, 2015. Extracted chalk ink from markers to use a brush on the blackboard. Fun and freeing.
Co-Initiating. September 17, 2015. New cycle underway, lightly picking up on U.School image.
U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self
Week 6. April 1, 2015. This was all about chalk marker and trying to keep it simple, legible, and focused on actionable inputs. Less “feeling” more direct. It’s all an experiment!
Week 5. February 11, 2015. A high res link to black (white version proved too tricky to do, for now…)
Week 3. January 28, 2015. This week worked ONLY in chalk (last live session was chalk marker – much thicker – but leading to a tricky clean up!) and the inversion revealed the softness of the material. The scribing was intended to activate the space, as live facilitation. Perhaps need to redo the artifact. Or… not, and it’s fine as is!
Download PDF of the white, inverted, image
Week 1. January 14, 2015. What a surge! With over 25,000 enrolled and an estimated 10,000 viewing today, from 192 countries all around the globe….. the space activated, and these images resulted. My hand, yet an entirely shared will. To view the session: More on U.Lab: MITx: 15.S23x
Here, too, are some higher resolution pics Otto used in U.Lab (and recent Wisdom 2.0 Conference) with the dark background.
And some key slides w/a white background:
Really beautiful work, Kelvy. Inspiring!
tx Becky!
Love every bit of your work. Tx 4 sharing, Kelvy. Hope 2 meet u in Switzerland .
thank you so very much!
Kelvy! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!!
Yes, thank Kelvy I very like your creativity and how you bring the UTheory concepts alive.
Thank you Kelvy. Extraordinary!